Join Vision Dance

Apply to become part of the top live-streaming and e-commerce community on TikTok!

Global TikTok Creator Networks Agency Application

You can apply to join based on the region of your TikTok account, or contact us directly to join

If the application is not approved please fill out the form to contact

Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

AE: United Arab Emirates BH: Bahrain DJ: Djibouti DZ: Algeria EG: Egypt IQ: Iraq JO: Jordan KM: Comoros KW: Kuwait LB: Lebanon LY: Libya MA: Morocco MR: Mauritania OM: Oman PS: Palestine QA: Qatar SA: Saudi Arabia SD: Sudan SO: Somalia TN: Tunisia YE: Yemen

United States and Canada

US: United States CA: Canada

Vietnam (VN)

Please enter your details, and one of our team members will reach out.

Who Is This Program For
Even if you have the most basic set-up but haven’t quite gotten your positioning or content strategy fully in place, you can still be eligible to join if you meet the following requirements.
 •You must be 18+ years of age.
 •Your account is not banned currently.
 •You must not have earned more than 500k diamonds in the       last 30 days.
 •You must follow community guidelines.
 •You must be willing to take LIVE as your job or career.
 •You must complete at least 3 live streams, each lasting over 1 hour.

Please enter your details, and one of our team members will reach out.

Who Is This Program For
Even if you have the most basic set-up but haven’t quite gotten your positioning or content strategy fully in place, you can still be eligible to join if you meet the following requirements.
 •You must be 18+ years of age.
 •Your account is not banned currently.
 •You must follow community guidelines.
 •Your account must be enrolled in the TikTok creator Marketplace.

Partner with Us to Boost Your Brand on TikTok!

Who Is This Program For

Are you looking to expand your brand’s reach or boost product sales on TikTok? We are seeking partners who are ready to open a TikTok Shop or leverage TikTok to promote their brand and products. If you meet the following criteria, we’d love to collaborate with you:

  • Your brand has an existing online store or e-commerce website.
  • You have stock available in the target sales country for smooth delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • You’re ready to explore TikTok as a powerful platform for brand growth and product promotion.

Let us help you take your brand to the next level on TikTok! Submit your details through the form, and let’s start building something great together.

Guía de invitación

Pasos para obtener un código de invitación . seleccionar idioma:.

1.Guía de texto

Vision Dance te da la bienvenida a unirte a nuestra Red de Creadores. yendo a TikTok > Configuración y privacidad > Herramientas del creador > LIVE Center > Creator Network Center. Copia el código de invitación que aparece en tu pantalla y compártelo con el Creator Network Manager.

2. Guía de imágenes

Guía en inglés
¡Estamos ansiosos por colaborar contigo! Haz clic en "Únete a nosotros" para crear genialidades juntos en TikTok.

Nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible después de recibir su información.

¡Comienza tu viaje creativo!

Únete a nosotros para compartir tu inspiración y conectarte con marcas globales. ¡Deja tu correo electrónico para acceder a recursos exclusivos y oportunidades de colaboración!

Disfrute de una base de conocimientos gratuita

Regístrese para aprender gratis

¿Buscas apoyo y orientación para tu transmisión en directo de TikTok? Regístrese ahora y deje que Vision Dance le ayude a mejorar rápidamente su rendimiento de streaming en directo y a aumentar las ganancias de su cuenta personal con servicios profesionales.